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Digital Radiography

Digital Radiography and In House Diagnostics

Although our pets cannot tell us when they are experiencing a health issue, they give us signs when something doesn’t feel quite right, like behavior changes, limping, loss of appetite, vomiting, or diarrhea. Just like humans, animals can benefit from the newest medical imaging technologies for diagnosis of various conditions. Veterinary diagnostic imaging allows us to non-invasively evaluate your pet and diagnose some medical conditions. We offers state-of-the-art equipment to capture the detailed images that are a key to correctly diagnosing your pet. NWAH provides the latest imaging techniques to help evaluate a number of conditions, including bone fractures, cardiac and pulmonary problems, foreign bodies, cancer, and tumors. We have access to radiology specialists for interpretation of diagnostic imaging where required.

General Condition

With high accuracy, we can snap all the interior bones of animals, including the stomach, intestine, kidney, liver and other organs. For this purpose, digital X-ray devices have been designed and built to provide images of animals’ internal organs with high accuracy.

Puppies & Kittens

We use imaging methods to obtain comprehensive and complete information with non-invasive methods. This action does not disturb the treatment process of the animal and does not cause the slightest problem for the animals.


We use imaging methods to obtain comprehensive and complete information with non-invasive methods. This action does not disturb the treatment process of the animal and does not cause the slightest problem for the animals.